Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Driving back into Burgos was interesting, the maps in my possesion
didn't cover the extensive suburbs. So took a while to get to the
right side of town and drop off the car.

Started walking about 11.00am, in light but steady rain. The new gear
is comfortable and easy to use.

Walked with an Aussie - Cindy, a Kiwi
- Rachel, a Norwegian - Stein and a Polish-German whose name I have
not yet mastered. Typical assorted Camino group.

Still raining. Hornillos is fully occupied, not a spare bed left. We
are in the overflow with no showers. But at least a bed.

A great Camino menu meal in the local bar and lots of vino tinto, so
all should sleep well. Very friendly but stretched town.


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