Friday, September 19, 2008

Spain Beckons Again

Gen and I are driving to Sydney tomorrow (Saturday) so that I can jump
on a plane for Barcelona on Monday. Although Gen has recovered fairly
well from knee surgery, long hikes with a backpack out of the question
for the moment.

So, next week I'll be setting off alone from Logrono on the path to
Santiago and Finisterre. I must admit I'm excited and looking forward
to a couple of days in Barcelona first - not looking forward to the
flight though.

Gen has been tremendously generous and supportive. Although I'm sure
that she too would love to return to Spain, her job and knee have made
that a bit too difficult.


DG said...

Buen Camino, John! I walked from Logrono to Leon last September! The morning walk from Ventosa to Azofra is really nice. You walk through vineyards ripe with grapes & lots of pilgrim art. If you can, stay at the private albergue in Boadilla---heaven on the meseta!


John said...

Thanks Kelly
I'll keep my eyes open!