Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cañas and Berceo

Saturday Sep 27

It's a beautiful warm sunny arvo as I sit on the balcony drinking
water. The bar has closed for siesta.

Left Najero this morning after a surprisingly good nights rest. But
the albergue was a bit of a shocker, two toilets and two showers per
gender, just not enough room for so many people.

Cultivated one blister yesterday, so a slowish walk to Azofra for
breakfast, where I said farewell to Bill. My Irish dinner companion
has limited time so is pushing on. We had enjoyed a couple of drinks
in Najera, a nicebloke.

Lots of peregrinos on the path, including many 'daypackers' -
supported walkers. Then turned off the Camino toward Cañas to see the
Cistercian abbey, very impressive. Then a hard 10km slog in the sun
to Berceo. Totalled about 22km today.

I'm booked into a superb Casa Rural for 40€ per night, all else was
booked out because a San Millan supporters group have their big day
today. Lots of big mercs and such on the road, the supporters group
appears to be well healed.

Managed to get a booking for 1055 tomorrow to see the monasteries (a
booking is required). Needed a second night here as not enough time
to walk to anywhere else afterwards.

Have been told three times now that my English is hard to understand -
must be the Aussie accent. Tho my Spanish is worse.

Am quite looking forward to the monasteries tomorrow, also keen on
something to eat and drink now but must wait till the bar/restaurant


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