Wednesday, September 24, 2008

La Merce

Today is La Merce or the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, one of the patron
saints of Barcelona. This explains the papier mâché giants that are
everwhere, the fireworks and explosions, the bands of musicians and
the twelve priests celebrating mass this morning. All up a wonderful

The crowds are a bit intimidating so I am using a trick to cope with
them. I try to visualize the happy people in the crowded airport
scenes from the film Love Actually. The film scenes show the joy of
families and friends re-uniting at an airport arrivals terminal. This
puts me into a much better frame of mind.

The train for Logrono leaves at midday tomorrow and gets to Logrono
just before 7.00pm. Hope to stay in the municipal alberque - hope I
won't be too late.

Haven't resolved internet access for my phone yet. Vodafone's offices
are closed for the public holiday and their multilingual helpline is
batting nought for two at responding to my calls (they claim they
will ring you back .....). So not sure when I will be able to post

Sent from my iPhone

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